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transport tram zurich location north schwamendingen bhf_stettbach photos

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The search for "transport tram zurich location north schwamendingen bhf_stettbach" returned 4 items:
The search criteria matched 1 categories containing 3 pictures.


transport > tram > zurich > location > north > schwamendingen > bhf_stettbach

pages in categories

bahnhof stettbach
23 october 2020, bahnhof stettbach.

glattal phase 3 opening
11th december 2010, opening of glattalbahn phase 3. this is bhf. stettbach.

glattal phase 3 opening
11th december 2010, crowds at the opening of glattalbahn phase 3. this is bhf. stettbach.

The search for "transport tram zurich location north schwamendingen bhf_stettbach" returned 4 items:
The search criteria matched 1 categories containing 3 pictures.