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transport tram zurich location north glattal wallisellen glatt_zentrum stop photos

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The search for "transport tram zurich location north glattal wallisellen glatt_zentrum stop" returned 3 items:
The search criteria matched 1 categories containing 2 pictures.


transport > tram > zurich > location > north > glattal > wallisellen > glatt_zentrum > stop

pages in categories

glattal phase 3 opening
11th december 2010, opening of glattalbahn phase 3. viaduct near zentrum glatt.

glattalbahn construction wallisellen
18th may 2009. construction of glattalbahn in wallsiellen (glatt zentrum).

The search for "transport tram zurich location north glattal wallisellen glatt_zentrum stop" returned 3 items:
The search criteria matched 1 categories containing 2 pictures.