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transport tram other philadelphia types 1956_class photos

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The search for "transport tram other philadelphia types 1956_class" returned 7 items:
The search criteria matched 1 categories containing 6 pictures.


transport > tram > other > philadelphia > types > 1956_class

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4th may 2008, philadelphia. a 1956 class trolley. what's it doing here in the university area?

4th may 2008, philadelphia. a 1956 class trolley. what's it doing here in the university area? is it a heritage service?

4th may 2008, philadelphia. a 1956 class trolley. here we see the historic buildings of penn university through the windows. but let's take a look at that bogie.

4th may 2008, philadelphia. a 1956 class trolley. but let's take a look at that bogie. isothermos atm milano, not so typical philly?

4th may 2008, philadelphia. a 1956 class trolley but no overhead line or track. why?

4th may 2008, philadelphia. this 1956 class trolley (replica) is the entrance to a subway stop

The search for "transport tram other philadelphia types 1956_class" returned 7 items:
The search criteria matched 1 categories containing 6 pictures.