you are in: photo > search > transport tram other halberstadt types gt4 ex-freiburg 168

transport tram other halberstadt types gt4 ex-freiburg 168 photos

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The search for "transport tram other halberstadt types gt4 ex-freiburg 168" returned 2 items:
The search criteria matched 1 categories containing 1 pictures.


transport > tram > other > halberstadt > types > GT4 > ex-freiburg > 168

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halberstadt tram
07.09.2006. holzmarkt is the central interchange of halberstadt. 168, 161 and 162 are ex-freiburg 111, 105 and 113. the latter still carries its freiburg colours.

The search for "transport tram other halberstadt types gt4 ex-freiburg 168" returned 2 items:
The search criteria matched 1 categories containing 1 pictures.