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transport tram other basel types bvb be4_4 photos

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The search for "transport tram other basel types bvb be4_4" returned 9 items:
The search criteria matched 1 categories containing 8 pictures.


transport > tram > other > basel > types > bvb > be4_4

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centralbahnplatz basel
27th february 2012

centralbahnplatz basel
27th february 2012, the appearance of the 16 at this location is explained by this being the day of morgenstraich, highlight of basel's carnival.

standard tram basel
17th april 2004, basel bruderholz.

basel steinenberg
22nd august 2008, the classic swiss standard tram lives on in basel, albeit refurbishes with small high-intensity headlights. i preferred the round ones. this set even conforms to modern disability requirements. the trailer has been converted to low floor.

basel trams
30th june 2007, steinenberg

basel trams
30th june 2007, steinenberg

basel tram
30th june 2007

12th april 2008, basel claraplatz

The search for "transport tram other basel types bvb be4_4" returned 9 items:
The search criteria matched 1 categories containing 8 pictures.