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transport tram other alicante locations alicante la_isleta stop photos

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The search for "transport tram other alicante locations alicante la_isleta stop" returned 5 items:
The search criteria matched 1 categories containing 3 pictures.
1 pictures were found with text matches in the title or caption.


transport > tram > other > alicante > locations > alicante > la_isleta > stop

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la isleta tram stop
21st october 2019. tram alicante, la isleta tram stop.

a view of la isleta showing the high standard to which the stops are finished (november 2007).

a tram-train unit at la isleta (november 2007).

pages matching text searches

la isleta tram stop
21st october 2019. tram alicante, closed off entrance to the short tunnel behind finca adoc, and behind the fence the double track line that replaced it emerging from the serra grossa tunnel. compare to this 2011 view: here .

The search for "transport tram other alicante locations alicante la_isleta stop" returned 5 items:
The search criteria matched 1 categories containing 3 pictures.
1 pictures were found with text matches in the title or caption.