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transport other bus types saurer photos

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The search for "transport other bus types saurer" returned 10 items:
The search criteria matched 2 categories containing 8 pictures.


transport > other > bus > types > saurer
transport > other > bus > zurich > vbz > types > saurer

to search in any of these categories exclusively, click here

pages in categories

tram museum bern, saurer bus
22nd september 2007 pride of tram museum bern's bus collection is this 1929 saurer. no 7 remained in service until 1966. it was the first vehicle to be preserved by the society, being acquired from a private operator in 1974.

tram museum bern, saurer bus
22nd september 2007 1929 saurer. no 7 at weissenbühl on the opening day of the new museum.

tram museum bern, saurer bus and combino
22nd september 2007 which way? saurer museum bus 7 and a combino at weissenbühl on the opening day of the new tram musuem.

saurer bus, bern
22nd september 2007

trolleymotion demonstration runs, zürich
19th november 2008. see also the news item on this event.

trolleymotion demonstration runs, zürich
19th november 2008. see also the news item on this event.

vbz päcklibus
10th december 2014. vbz's parcel bus has become a regular feature of the christmas shopping scene on bahnhofstrasse, providing a place where shoppers can leave items and even get help with packaging. rumour has it, the days of this bus are numbered. this is saurer guk nr 540, built 1967, withdrawn 1994, set aside as a heritage vehicle and now renumbered in the four digit series as a non-revenue vehicle.

vbz päcklibus
10th december 2014. vbz's parcel bus saurer guk nr 7540 amid the christams decorations on bahnhofstrasse.

The search for "transport other bus types saurer" returned 10 items:
The search criteria matched 2 categories containing 8 pictures.

category selection

transport > other > bus > types > saurer [-> this criterium only]
transport > other > bus > zurich > vbz > types > saurer [-> this criterium only]