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zurich tram maps photos

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The search for "zurich tram maps" returned 8 items:
The search criteria matched 2 categories containing 6 pictures.


transport > tram > other > maps > zurich
transport > tram > zurich > special > maps

to search in any of these categories exclusively, click here

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tram track map
29th february 2020, tram track maop, inside the new flexity under test

tram zürich west map
map of tram zürich west (2011) showing previous, new and projected tram lines. a larger version of this is available here .

map of glattal light rail system (glattalbahn) also showing railways and tram lines in the area and their interconnections and transfer points. this map depicts the 2011 status, with all three phases in operation. the first phase, commencing operation on 10th december 2006, extended route 11 from messe/hallenstadion to auzelg. the second phase, commencing operation on 14th december 2008, extended route 10 between sternen oerlikon and flughafen fracht. the third phase, commencing operation on 12th december 2010, was of a new route 12 between bahnhof stettbach and flughafen fracht. this map can also be downloaded in higher resolution here . more news etc on glattalbahn can be read on this page of my website.

map of glattal light rail system (glattalbahn) also showing railways and tram lines in the area and their interconnections and transfer points. this map depicts the 2009 status, with the first and second phases in operation and the third phase still under construction. this map can also be downloaded in higher resolution for printing here .

zürich tram and trolleybus map 2005
map of zürich tram and trolleybus systems (2005). this map can also be downloaded in higher resolution for printing here or viewed with background here .

zürich tram and trolleybus map 2005
map of zürich tram and trolleybus systems (2005). this map can also be or viewed without background here .

The search for "zurich tram maps" returned 8 items:
The search criteria matched 2 categories containing 6 pictures.

category selection

transport > tram > other > maps > zurich [-> this criterium only]
transport > tram > zurich > special > maps [-> this criterium only]