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wynentalbahn photos

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The search for "wynentalbahn" returned 2 items:
2 pictures were found with text matches in the title or caption.

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motor coach number 5 of wynentalbahn
Motor coach number 5 of Wynentalbahn. Wynentalbahn (Aarau - Menziken) is now part of WSB/AAR and operated with modern rolling stock. Most of the street running sections have been re-aligned. The Brown Boveri Review , November 1924.

motor coach number 5 of wynentalbahn
Motor coach number 5 of Wynentalbahn. Wynentalbahn (Aarau - Menziken) is now part of WSB/AAR. The Brown Boveri Review , November 1924.

The search for "wynentalbahn" returned 2 items:
2 pictures were found with text matches in the title or caption.