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signal photos

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The search for "signal" returned 7 items:
The search criteria matched 1 categories containing 2 pictures.
4 pictures were found with text matches in the title or caption.


transport > rail > germany > signals

pages in categories

horb station
15th february 2008

horb station
15th february 2008

pages matching text searches

close-up of igbt-inverter on siemens combino. the pipes on the left are for cooling fluid. the cables on the right transmit the gate signals to the semiconductors.

alicante, san gabriel
the stationmaster is ready to give the departure signal to the train on the left (to alicante). san gabriel is a good place from the airport bus (c6) to the murcia train as this bus does not serve alicante station directly. (13th march 2006)

alicante, san gabriel
the stationmaster gives the murcia train the departure signal. (13th march 2006)

11h june 2014. advert for the durchmesserlinie which was opened on 15th june. i'm not sure about the compliance of the green signal with an obviously occupied block.

The search for "signal" returned 7 items:
The search criteria matched 1 categories containing 2 pictures.
4 pictures were found with text matches in the title or caption.