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lindenplatz photos

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The search for "lindenplatz" returned 5 items:
The search criteria matched 1 categories containing 2 pictures.
2 pictures were found with text matches in the title or caption.


transport > tram > zurich > location > west > badenerstr > lindenplatz_altstetten

pages in categories

elefant tram 321 at lindenplatz altstetten
1st September 2019. Elefant tram 321 and trailer 626 at Lindenplatz Altstetten on the day of the opening of the first phase of Limmattalbahn.

elefant tram 321 near lindenplatz altstetten
1st September 2019. Elefant tram 321 and trailer 626 pull away from Lindenplatz Altstetten on the day of the opening of the first phase of Limmattalbahn.

pages matching text searches

zürich as it might have been: lindenplatz u-bahn stop
In the early 1970s, Zürich was planning an underground ( U-Bahn ). The plans were rejected in a referendum in 1973. This artist's impression shows how Lindenplatz stop might have looked. Some sections on which work had already commenced were put to other uses, including a tram subway. For more information on this, visit this page: From U-Bahn to tram tunnel . The illustrated stop would have been built by cut-and-cover. Compare this to the deep-level-bore station that was planned at Schaffhauserplatz ..

zürich as it might have been: schaffhauserplatz u-bahn stop
in the early 1970s, zürich was planning an underground ( u-bahn ). the plans were rejected in a referendum in 1973. this artist's impression shows how schaffhauserplatz stop might have looked. this station would have been built in a single deep-level bore with platforms on two different levels. compare this to the cut-and-cover station that was planned at lindenplatz .

The search for "lindenplatz" returned 5 items:
The search criteria matched 1 categories containing 2 pictures.
2 pictures were found with text matches in the title or caption.