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brunnen photos

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The search for "brunnen" returned 29 items:
The search criteria matched 5 categories containing 20 pictures.
4 pictures were found with text matches in the title or caption.


transport > tram > zurich > location > south > tiefenbrunnen
transport > tram > freiburg > locations > centre > bertoldsbrunnen
transport > trolleybus > locations > zurich > south > tiefenbrunnen
transport > tram > other > halberstadt > locations > centre > johannesbrunnen
transport > tram > other > basel > location > center > steinenberg > tingeuly_brunnen

to search in any of these categories exclusively, click here

pages in categories

freiburg with christmas decorations
30th december 2010, bertoldsbrunnen.

freiburg bertoldsbrunnen
23rd August 2008, A Combino on route 1 in a rainy scene at Bertoldsbrunnen.

freiburg bertoldsbrunnen
23rd August 2008, They say it never rains but it pours. This scene gives a new meaning to the name Landwasser.

freiburg bertoldsbrunnen
23rd August 2008, They say it never rains but it pours. Here a lonely Combino winds its way across Bertoldsbrunnen.

freiburg bertoldbrunnen
23rd August 2008.

freiburg bertoldsbrunnen
23rd August 2008, A grey Combino in grey weather at Bertoldsbrunnen.

freiburg tram
2nd february 2008. bertoldsbrunnen. preserved gt4 number 109 seen through the front of a combino tram that was following closely.

freiburg tram
2nd february 2008. bertoldsbrunnen is the heart of freiburg's pedestrianised centre, but also the meeting point of all the city's tram lines. despite, this, trams and pedestrians get on in harmony.

freiburg tram
2nd february 2008. tram and pedestrians at bertoldsbrunnen.

freiburg tram
2nd february 2008. some experts may believe it is impossible, but trams and pedestrians mix peacefully at bertoldsbrunnen.

freiburg tram
2nd february 2008. tram in the pedestrianised zone at bertoldsbrunnen.

combino at bertoldsbrunnen
Bertoldsbrunnen 18th Feb 2006

gt8z at bertoldsbrunnen
Bertoldsbrunnen 18th Feb 2006

zürich 16th march 2008

basel tram
30th june 2007, steinenberg, with tinguely fountain in foreground

halberstadt tram
07.09.2006. an ex-freiburg gt4 near johannesbrunnen. the half rosettes on the building in the background are typical of the carvings decorating halberstadt’s mediaeval townhouses. johanna schön .

zürich, o405 gtz farewell tour, 21st april 2013
21st april 2013, tiefenbrunnen taken during the o405 gtz farewell tour .

zürich, tiefenbrunnen
21st April 2013, Tiefenbrunnen

zürich, o405 gtz farewell tour, 21st april 2013
21st april 2013, tiefenbrunnen taken during the o405 gtz farewell tour .

zürich 16th march 2008

pages matching text searches

rämistrasse zürich, waldmannbrunnen (1935)

rämistrasse zürich, waldmannbrunnen (1935)

rämistrasse zürich, waldmannbrunnen (1935)

rämistrasse zürich, waldmannbrunnen (1935)

The search for "brunnen" returned 29 items:
The search criteria matched 5 categories containing 20 pictures.
4 pictures were found with text matches in the title or caption.

category selection

transport > tram > zurich > location > south > tiefenbrunnen [-> this criterium only]
transport > tram > freiburg > locations > centre > bertoldsbrunnen [-> this criterium only]
transport > trolleybus > locations > zurich > south > tiefenbrunnen [-> this criterium only]
transport > tram > other > halberstadt > locations > centre > johannesbrunnen [-> this criterium only]
transport > tram > other > basel > location > center > steinenberg > tingeuly_brunnen [-> this criterium only]