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54 photos

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The search for "54" returned 20 items:
The search criteria matched 3 categories containing 13 pictures.
4 pictures were found with text matches in the title or caption.


transport > tram > zurich > types > visiting > tango > blt_demonstrator_154
transport > rail > spain > renfe > types > loco > diesel > 354
transport > tram > other > basel > types > blt > tango > prototypes > 154_in_zurich

to search in any of these categories exclusively, click here

pages in categories

blt tango in zürich
7th april 2009. tango demonstrator (blt 154) in zürich at bahnhof enge.

blt tango in zürich
7th april 2009. tango demonstrator (blt 154) in zürich approaching roswiesen (schwamendingen).

blt tango in zürich
7th april 2009. tango demonstrator (blt 154) in zürich approaching roswiesen (schwamendingen).

blt tango in zürich
7th april 2009. tango demonstrator (blt 154) in zürich at schaffhauserplatz.

blt tango in zürich
7th april 2009. tango demonstrator (blt 154) in zürich at schaffhauserplatz. by the way: the gnädinger coffee house in the background is a prime location for tram watching.

blt tango in zürich
7th april 2009. tango demonstrator (blt 154) in zürich on bahnhofstrasse.

blt tango in zürich
7th april 2009. tango demonstrator (blt 154) in zürich on bahnhofstrasse.

blt tango in zürich
7th april 2009. tango demonstrator (blt 154) in zürich at schörlistrasse (in the schwamendingen subway).

1st april 2007, cartagena, the train on the left is the mare nostrum for barcelona and montpellier. the train on the right is bound for madrid and hauled by one of the last class 354 talgo locomotives,

1st april 2007, class 354 locomotive at cartagena on a madrid-bound train.

1st april 2007, class 354 locomotive at cartagena on a madrid-bound train. although this photograph may look slightly illegal or dangerous it wasn't. i was in the rear carriage of a departing train.

class 354 talgo locomotive at murcia del carmen
6th April 2008, class 354 Talgo locomotive on the evening express from Murcia to Cartagena at Murcia del Carmen.

class 354 talgo locomotive at murcia del carmen
6th April 2008, class 354 Talgo locomotive on the evening express from Murcia to Cartagena at Murcia del Carmen.

pages matching text searches

gyrobus flywheel
flywheel for a gyrobus being assembled in oerlikon in 1954. the electric motor can be seen in the centre. the flywheel itself is the steel disk below it. the components of further flywheels are visible in the background. mfo/tmz

icn trains at zürich hb
22nd september 2007 view of two icn trains (and an rbe 540 in the background) at zürich hauptbahnhof.

vbz päcklibus
10th december 2014. vbz's parcel bus has become a regular feature of the christmas shopping scene on bahnhofstrasse, providing a place where shoppers can leave items and even get help with packaging. rumour has it, the days of this bus are numbered. this is saurer guk nr 540, built 1967, withdrawn 1994, set aside as a heritage vehicle and now renumbered in the four digit series as a non-revenue vehicle.

vbz päcklibus
10th december 2014. vbz's parcel bus saurer guk nr 7540 amid the christams decorations on bahnhofstrasse.

The search for "54" returned 20 items:
The search criteria matched 3 categories containing 13 pictures.
4 pictures were found with text matches in the title or caption.

category selection

transport > tram > zurich > types > visiting > tango > blt_demonstrator_154 [-> this criterium only]
transport > rail > spain > renfe > types > loco > diesel > 354 [-> this criterium only]
transport > tram > other > basel > types > blt > tango > prototypes > 154_in_zurich [-> this criterium only]